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Exploring the Unknown

June 10, 2018

Affidavit Guidelines

  • The person named as the Plaintiff writes the affidavit.

  • Initially write your affidavit as a word document with all text in Times New Roman, font size 11, with nothing bolded, underlined or numbered.

  • Must state whether there was there a trial by jury or not.

  • List all dates as “On or about” and all times as “At or about”.

  • Should not be more than 3 pages.

  • No statements that are exaggerated or not factual.

  • Do not include your opinions or hearsay.

  • No summary paragraph on state of mind or injury. Do not include your opinions or try your case.

Writing an Affidavit

Your Affidavit tells the story of what happened. Tell only the facts. Use the active voice. Active voice means that you first state the subject, i.e., the person who did the action. Then you use an action verb, i.e., what action took place. Then you explain who received the action, i.e., to whom was this done. Simple structure: [date] [name] [action] to [whom].

Include only actions they did to you. Your responses to them are irrelevant, unless it got you more charges filed against you.

In this format, start a new paragraph with each date. (On [date] [full name (include title)] did [what] to [whom]...)

Be sure to include the Who (person w/title), What (suit), Where (address), Why (reason for the Action) and How (foreclosure, arrest, incarceration) in the body of the affidavit

To get started, you may want to just write everything that happened. Then go back and put in the date for each event. Then put in the name of who did what for each event. Then put in to whom this was done. Make a new paragraph for each date. Then put your paragraphs in chronological (date) order.

Come back to your Affidavit after a short break. Re-read it asking yourself: Would anyone reading this have any questions? Did you leave anything out such that anyone reading this would ask: “What happened before that?” Or, “What happened after that?” Or, “Why was [name] involved?” Or, “Who did that?” Or, “How did they know that?”

If possible, get your Court Docket. Look at each date on the Docket. Ask yourself, for each date on the Docket: “Who did what to whom?”

Did you start at the beginning? Was there something that led up to this? Is there a history behind this that would explain more about what happened?

Did you say anything for which you have no proof?

Do not give validity to the fiction of statutory courts by using “man of the land” language!

Come back to your Affidavit after a short break. Re-read it asking yourself: Have I shown good reasons to support issuing an Action at Law (i.e. Habeas Corpus, Show Cause, etc.)?

Conclude by saying why you are asking for this Action, and what you want the Action to do for you.

A Theory Comparison

March 20, 2026





Carleen Marie Deloach

U.C.C. 1-207

1-308 w/o prejudice

September 18 2017



City Court

223 South Second Street

Hamilton Mt 59840


Officer Williams Badge # 12

Hamilton police department


(POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS) and to who it may concern. I want to start out to let you know that I have the deepest respect for law enforcement.

I have the deepest respect for the constitution at the federal level and our states level. I take my constitutional rights very serious. I always have -and will respect officers even though they have violated my rights.

I wanted to let you know personally that (POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS Hamilton Police department) shall possibly be added to a class A law suit for violations of the Miranda rights.

Also the 4th amendment violation, and MT violations of the bill of rights , section 10 declaration of rights, section 11 of the MT declaration of rights, Privacy violations, and collusion and bias because of a litigation pertaining to Anthony Channing Anable pending Case.

(POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS Hamilton Police department) had no reason of suspicious of a crime , nor witness of a crime with a victim or property damage according to common law, that Carleen Marie Deloach claims to be the beneficiary of the Constitution at a state level and a Federal level. (For the record)

She claims in her dismissal in question of jurisdiction, and the burden of proof from the jurisdiction in question-complaint or a affidavit of a crime-

She claims that many violations against her, during detainment and excessive abuse in the jail. Violation of the MT bill of rights and bill of rights of the supremacy law of the United States Of America. Excessive cruel punishment before any legal determination.

Violations of the MT Amendments and federal amendments. That is actual law preserved by article 6 paragraph 2, at all levels. (Supremacy Clause)and a state level.

As she is a witness for another case in the defense of Anthony Channing Anable. She believes and along with third party advocates believes she is being targeted because of another case.

Also claims more violation of the declarative rights not given to before detention and required before arrest.

She wanted to notify you why and for the record- and ask you to handle these matters she claims and point out to you before any mitigation or litigation- on the conflicting laws that most officer are not aware of. She feels threaten by (POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS Hamilton Police department)

Carleen Marie Deloach Claims she was encroached and violated and infringed.

Privacy is important in all states to have a perfect Union it is essential. It seems that the (POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS Hamilton Police Department)are trained to pray on the ones they serve.

It seems the (POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS Hamilton Police Department)-Institutions, do not know the locked laws but taught the statues and codes of the Uniform codes and violating our nations fundamental basic necessities of life, and capitalizing on it with judges and lawyers who know of the governmental schemes.

Carleen Marie Deloach- who is a claimed private person of the beneficiary of

the Constitution at all levels claimed.

She knows the Government promised to govern by Constitutions of the states in harmony. And she prays for the officers and circle of alleged collusion to respect and hold and secure the Constitution at its delegated power.

Norton V. Shelby County 118 U.S. 425 an unconstitutional act is not law. It confers no rights and

poses no duties, affords no protections, and creates no office. It is in legal contemplation as

inoperative though it had never been passed.

US V. Bishop 412 U.S. 346 Defines willfulness as an evil motive or intent to avoid a known duty

or task under law with immoral certainty- I am using the constitution and supreme court cases so

I am not using evil motives or intents.

16th Andrews prudent second section 97 says that it shall be interpreted in my favor because I am

the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary for the protection of my rights and


Carleen Marie Deloach would ask our state, and oath keepers to please call off your officers who is being bias and putting one self in danger and the danger of those who they serve.(POLICE OFFICER BADGE #12 WILLIAMS Hamilton Police Department) Who are violating the private peoples freedom of basic necessities of life and liberty and happiness.

Under law obstruction to protect ones rights at any level is a crime by breaking down our laws. (title 18 USC 241 242 1628) Sedition by treason And MT Amendments Section 10- Right of privacy-

The right of individual privacy is essential to the well-being of a free society and shall not be infringed without the showing of a compelling state interest.

(POLICE OFFICER BADGE#12 WILLIAMS Hamilton- Police Department) clearly did not show a compelling state interest by justifying violation the individual God given rights at all levels stated for the record.

Carleen Marie Deloach lives by the common law. She claims to be governed by republic -by the founding fathers of our nation and governed by the compact agreement within the states in harmony, by the Constitutions of all sister states in correlation and to be construed in all matters.

Carleen Marie Deloach just wanted to reach out for help- before

The(POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS)- Hamilton police department is added to a class A law suit in a investigative mode.

She knows there is a right way to do things and this is why she writing you for help

or support.

The(POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS)- Hamilton police department- have caused great pain and suffering.

Carleen Marie Deloach ask that you tell your squads to leave her alone, unless she truly commit a crime in there presents, and have a victim or property damage- that have filed a true affidavit.

They have violated their delegated police powers and violated the separations of power, in the private sector. The(POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS)Hamilton police department have violated the 4th amendment and the bill of rights and have caused great pain and suffering.

She request for relief from the pain and suffering that the state,and city(POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS)Hamilton police department - has brought upon her in the violation submit.

(POLICE OFFICER BADGE # 12 WILLIAMS)Hamilton police department seem to follow her with ambition to intimidate and violate- her life, liberty, and happiness.

Signature, ________________________________


Spc/Kirkland – over watch supporting elements 11brv infantry 1-10 Bill of rights advocate and Constitutional self claimed officer by the people. 406-363-5284-coded notes- Constitution of Montana -- Article II -- DECLARATION OF RIGHTS
     Section 10. Right of privacy. The right of individual privacy is essential to the well-being of a free society and shall not be infringed without the showing of a compelling state interest.
      Miranda rights, failing to protect the individuals rights title 18 USA 241,242,1628,2681,sedition by treason. Tricking by stealthy schema of waiving rights by signature because of collusion of attorneys and judges and police officers by telling legal advice that no need to show up for omnibus hearing.. The whole purpose of police powers delegated. Excessive pain and suffering during detainment in jail. Violating 9th and 10th Amendments,listed in the complaint and the dismissal. Violation of jurisdiction , and the bill of rights. 1. The Constitution of the United States is the Supreme law of the land. — Marbury V. Madison 5 U.S. 137-

Primary Holding Congress does not have the power to pass laws that override the Constitution, such as by expanding the scope of the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction.

7. It shall be interpreted in my favor because I am the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary for the protection of my rights and property. — 16th Andrews prudent second section 97

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. ,Title 18, US Code Sec.2381: In the presents of two or more witnesses of the same overt act, or in a open court of law, if you fail to timely move to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and honor your oath of office, you are subject to the charge of capital felony treason. American Jurisprudence Book 16: Constitution Law Section 16Am Jur 2d: 16AmJur2d., Sec. 97: "Then a constitution should receive a literal interpretation in favor of the Citizen, is especially true, with respect to those provisions which were designed to safeguard the liberty and security of the Citizen in regard to person and property." Bary v. United States - 273 US 128 "Any constitutional provision intended to confer a benefit should be liberally construed in favor in the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary" (You are the Beneficiary of the US Constitution) 16AmJur2d., Sec. 98: "While an emergency can not create power and no emergency justifies the violation of any of the provisions of the United States Constitution or States Constitutions. Public emergency such as economic depression for especially liberal construction of constitutional powers and it has been declared that because of national emergency, it is the policy of the courts of times of national peril, so liberally to construed the special powers vested in the chief executive as to sustain an effectuate the purpose there of, and to that end also more liberally to construed the constituted division and classification of the powers of the coordinate branches of the government and in so far as may not be clearly inconsistent with the constitution." kirkland



Duane Eugene Kirkland

U.C.C 1-207

1-308 w/o prejudice

1115 S 3rd street

Hamilton Mt 59840



Stat of Montana

City of Hamilton

223 South 2nd Street

Hamilton MT 59840


Interview with plaintiff and advocate

According to interview, on about September 22,2017 conducted by a advocate , at 2pm Friday.

As the plaintiff Carleen Marie Deloach was driving back home from basic necessities of life , she claims that the officer Norman Williams badge # 12 representing the city police of Hamilton, said that their was a head light out and that the blinker did not work,. According to plaintiff and another witness in the vehicle she did not fail to utilize the turn signals. However regardless of the officer swearing to the actions claimed , and this is irrelevant for any proposal cause. By obstructing the chain of custody and collecting evidence illegal.

Clearly the officer Norman Williams badge # 12 representing the city police of Hamilton was stocking for personal reason not far from the Marley’s parking lot and seeking individuals who was stopping in for a private drink or personal private issues.

However there is no reason to stock individual’s and monitor there dwelling and places of life liberty and happiness. Further- more run illegal checks over the radio violating privacy. Unless there is a compelling state interest of a actual crime-with a victim or property damage,or a violations of one Constitutional rights.

The city police and institutions Norman Williams badge # 12 representing the city police of Hamilton can not justify and predicting that a victim or property damage will occur, or happen.

Clearly they have no magic powers to see the future.

Last time I checked the law says a private person of legal age can drink as long as they do not harm anyone .

Regardless of the plaintiff’s personal agenda, she was just enjoying herself. This is no reason to stock and intimidate, and fish for monies to enhance a quota or there personal motive for a corporation on a schema of illegal bill of attainers.

The plaintiff knows that if there is a complaint of a crime in a questionable legal jurisdiction and legal authority with a victim or damage, she would have asked for Attorney.

She Carleen Marie Deloach stated that her rights was not read,performed to her before being arrested and thrown in jail.

Carleen Marie Deloach Under duress and extreme stress she was arrested and violated, see attached complaint , and targeted because of conflicting issues.

Upon the interview she the plaintiff stated Carleen Marie Deloach that the vehicle was working proper. During interview, the head light and the signal was working fine.

Furthermore as the officer norm Williams officer badge # 2 did not have any probable cause to violate or encroach the plaintiff basic fundamental rights, and obstruct the basic necessities of life

Interview findings beliefs beyond a reasonable doubt that there is and was bias and violation of police powers. Regardless of the smell of alcohol, there was no justification for arrest or even filing a complaint that is fraud.

Plaintiff’s signature, ______________________________________-

Advocates Signature of findings, ________________________________

Learning by Doing

January 25, 2025

223 South Second Street Hamilton Mt 59840 (406)363-6823 Officer Williams Badge # 12 Hamilton police department
(406) 363-6823
To who it may Concern, even though Stanley John Roberts did not understand his rights and even though IN THE MINUTE HEARING ,completed the plea with out understanding. The plaintiff now request under the
protections of the Constitution's of the state of Montana and the supremacy clause of the United States of America. The plaintiff does not consent to any unknown contract regarding commerce or allegations.
Due to the facts of no victim or property damage,this private person request for a dismissal under common law jurisdiction- In question. To have the victim to come forward with a affidavit of a actual crime committed. Plaintiff does not further want to obstruct the city's case loads on the Docket. Nor shall tie up d ue to the facts of jurisdiction IN QUESTION for the next 7 months.
Signature of beneficiary,____________________________________________
third party Over-watch, spc/Kirkland/ Hamilton Mt Assisting-406-363-5284 /civil recordsclass/A#
For Civil Records
Plaintiff Stanley John Roberts
U.C.C. 1-207 1-308 w/o prejudice Claimed Beneficiary
01/05/18/08:02:39 PM Case # 217CR0002731
For Civil Records

News & Resources : News & Resources

Dedicated Educator Dwane Eugene Kirkland U.C.C. 1-207 1-308 0FFICE Honored by wins for clients..

Hamilton man argues laws governing traffic tickets unconstitutional....

Learn More
Stack of Notebooks

Interview with Dwane Eugene Kirkland U.C.C. 1-207 1-308 0FFICE on Changes in Higher Education

Notes of discovery
2 January 2018
Kirkland 406-363-5284
Freedom to private travel We have a right to travel freely and unencumbered pursuant to Shapiro v Thompson, and
that right is so basic it doesn’t even need to be mentioned.
The state of Montana arbitrarily and erroneously converted my right into a privilege
and issued a license and a fee for it. Violating my free agency to choose if I want to have license Insurance under limited powers upon we the people- 1st amendment to pursue life and liberty and basic necessity of life in modern travel today with private property so being a car that is not I n a contract or any commerce regulations.
Murdock v Pennsylvania Rule of law says no state may convert a secured right into a privilege and issue a license and a fee for it.
AND IF THEY DO...Shuttles worth V Birmingham Alabama says I can ignore the license and engage in the right with impunity. That means any state or a third party can’t punish the private free common man or women and they can’t punish you.
Since we relied on previous decisions of the U S Supreme Court and on constitutional defenses we have a perfect defense for willfulness...under common law we are immune to the prosecution, therefore the prosecution does not have a cause of action for which relief can be granted. We motion for dismissal with prejudice for failure to state a claim of action for which relief can be granted, and we would like to collect my costs and fees for having to defend this frivolous case.”
Duane Eugene Kirkland/1-207 w/o prej/
spc/kirkland/investigator/bill of rights advocate

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Adult Students

Dwane Eugene Kirkland U.C.C. 1-207 1-308 0FFICE Revolutionizes Field with New Research

Dwane Eugene Kirkland

U.C.C 1-207

1-308 w/o prejudice

1115 S 3rd street

Hamilton Mt 59840


12/13/17/05:36:57 PM

In the interest of justice

Dear district attorney's and protector's of our nation, or who it may concern. I am pleased that we have candid people who are bound to the provisions of the bill of rights and the Constitution's of the sister state's in harmony.

I wanted to let you know. I am thankful for all you do- and the positions you hold- can and will preserve our God given rights.

I want you to know that by your actions of preserving the actual laws versus codes , regulations, statues , you are making a difference to help society in our great state of Montana.

As I move forward on my studies and investigations to also make the difference in the name of God- I pray and hope that if you have any questions at all- I am willing to share my discoveries and I push forward to help those who request my assistance behind the scenes.

Due to the facts of many years oppressed, infringed, encroached, homeless. I have given my whole life to study law for the past years to help others. As a self claimed Constitutional advocate and x soldier- I will protect our oath and will forever be bound -I promised to God in many states- and the United States Army to protect all.

Our father in heaven preserved my life during my army contract training. Now I know why he preserved my life and did not send me off to be killed. Because its my calling at home that he saved me for -to fight at home protecting our nation's principles and foundation. Thank you all -INGODWETRUST 11brv-Over-Watch 1-10.


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sharing discoveries.. U.C.C. 1-207 1-308 0FFICE

 Constitutional officer self claimed ...






Keith Allen Kalka

U.C.C 1-207

1-308 w/o prejudice

Po Box 683

Hereford TX 79045


Cause No.CR-22091, CR-22143, CR-22165, CR-22166 9-27-2017







COURT TELEPHONE 432-336-2792

Expedient Request

To who it may Concern, even though Keith Allen Kalka did not understand his rights and even though the County Judge Joe Shuster,completed the plea with out understanding. The plaintiff now request under the,recourse to claim under the protection of Constitution of the state of TEXAS, and the supremacy clause Of the United States Of America. The plaintiff does not consent to any unknown contract regarding commerce.

Plaintiff prays for relief

Due to the facts of no victim or property damage,this private person request for a dismissal under common law jurisdiction- In question. To have the victim to come forward with a affidavit of a actual crime committed. Plaintiff does not further want to obstruct the city's case loads on the Docket. Nor shall tie up due to the facts of jurisdiction IN QUESTION for the next seven months.




Third party Over-watch, spc/Kirkland/ Hamilton Mt

Assisting-406-363-5284 /civil record


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